Is your WordPress website ADA compliant?

Our WordPress web accessibility audit provides everything needed to ensure you have an inclusive and ADA compliant website.

  • List of accessibility issues with explanations
  • Recommendations on how to remove accessibility barriers
  • Manual accessibility testing by disabled WordPress users
Wordpress ada compliance

Our WordPress Accessibility Services Include

WordPress ADA Compliance Audit

Be Accessible will audit your WordPress website to locate accessibility barriers and ADA compliance issues. Your audit report will include explanations, screenshots, and instructions for repair.

WordPress Accessibility Repair

Do you need help applying accessibility repairs to your WordPress website? Our experts remove barriers to inclusive web experiences and provide a statement of accessibility to show your customers that you prioritize it.

Accessible WordPress Development

Whether you are just starting out or your website simply needs an update, we will ensure your new look is in compliance with the latest Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) & standards.

Get an accessible WordPress website today!

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"The team at Be Accessible did a great job listening, identifying our areas of concern, defining the SOW, and executing the completion of the project. We can now rest assured we meet all state and federal compliance requirements."

Nick J.
Watermark home Loans

How to have an accessible and ADA compliant WordPress website

WordPress is an excellent option for making an all-inclusive and accessible website. Holding the largest market share of the most popular CMS, WordPress prioritizes accessibility and commits to conforming to WCAG 2.2 AA with all new and updated code.

While the platform strives to provide digital inclusion at its core, you are still responsible for your business, school, or government website to meet the adopted standards for WordPress accessibility. Here are a few tips to provide an accessible WordPress website that is ADA and WCAG compliant:


An accessibility-ready WordPress theme allows you to start with an accessible foundation.

Accessible plugins

Select a WordPress plugin and test plugin accessibility prior to adding it to your live website.

Accessible content

Use the tools available in WordPress to create accessible content such as headings, lists, and tables.

Test accessibility

Maintain web accessibility by manually testing new and updated content including linked PDF documents.

Help with WordPress accessibility

Although WordPress provides an accessible core and accessibility-ready themes, we understand that creating and maintaining an ADA-compliant website can still be overwhelming for many business, school, and government agencies. In fact, we have seen a lot of businesses facing challenges in achieving WordPress ADA compliance and accessibility.

Need help to ensure that your WordPress website is accessible, meets ADA standards, and follows Section 508 guidelines? Be Accessible can help. Our web accessibility and document remediation services provide all of the tools you need to have an accessible website.

Frequently asked questions

Is WordPress ADA compliant?

WordPress values the importance of accessibility and has accessibility goals. It doesn’t automatically make your platform ADA-compliant or accessible. Accessible themes are available, but not all features meet these standards. This is where Be Accessible comes to help you. We provide all the solutions needed for WordPress ADA compliance and accessibility.

What are the initial steps to provide WordPress accessibility?

Here are 6 steps for basic WordPress accessibility:

  • Choose an Accessible Theme: Select themes that meet WCAG standards.
  • Add Alt Text to Images: Ensure all images have descriptive alt text.
  • Use Proper Heading Structure: Organize content with clear and hierarchical headings.
  • Ensure Keyboard Navigation: Make sure all interactive elements can be accessed via keyboard.
  • Provide Transcripts and Captions: Include transcripts for audio and captions for video content.
  • Test Regularly: Regularly check and maintain your website’s accessibility.

How to know if the WordPress theme is accessible?

WordPress offers free themes, vetted for basic accessibility requirements. These themes provide a solid foundation for building an accessible website. Still, even an accessible theme can become inaccessible with the use of inaccessible plugins or design choices that ignore accessibility standards.