ADARocket powered by Be Accessible

ADARocket Feedback

Thank you for being an early ADARocket user and participating in our Rocket Beta Program.

Complete the feedback form to receive 10% off of your next full web accessibility audit.

Please complete as much information as you are comfortable providing. If you prefer to provide your own feedback instead of answering questions, you can add it in the Comment field at the end of the form.

Field marked with * are required.

About Be Accessible, Inc.

Be Accessible is your one stop for all of your digital accessibility needs. We understand the importance of providing web accessibility. With our all-inclusive services, our accessibility experts will guide you through everything you need to know and do to provide accessible and inclusive digital experiences.

Interested in a full manual scan of your website?

If you are ready to get started right away, ask us how you can receive a free evaluation. we'll quickly review your website and provide recommendations that allow your business to get accessible now.